There have been two known recent deaths of Scientology front group program participants. One was a Narconon 'student' the other was a Criminon 'student'. Both were on the Hubbard's drug rehabilitation steps when they died. Both were loved and lost their lives at the hands of scientology practices. Both were situations of preventable negligence. Both are being investigated.

July 11 marked the one month anniversary of the negligent and avoidable death of a well loved guy named Patrick "Rico" Desmond who died while under the supervision of Narconon of Georgia while on their rehab program. A candle light vigil service was held and video taped in front of the Church of Scientology of Georgia to recognize this terrible loss:
We are awaiting the autopsy but you can read what is known about this situation here and you can find out more about Patrick at his memorial site here
CODY BATES hanged himself at the San Francisco SBDC New Life Center Criminon facility on August 27, 2008. He'd been admitted to the facility on August 24th and began detox the next day. During the first day of detox, he had been administered medication with known side effects that included suicidal ideation to help facilitate the detox. Cody's mother thought he was under medical care and asked SBDC New LIfe Staff to provide 24 hr suicide watch of Cody because of statements he made to staff indicating he might commit suicide. The staff promised to keep a watchful eye but did not follow through and Cody was found on the 27th to have committed suicide. Apparently there was no medical personnel at the facility either.
Here is legal complaint filed by the victim's mother. I hope she sues the hell out of them:

Cody's mother is suing for negligence and wrongful death among othere things, and rightfully so. Her lawyer has been informed of the fact that the facility is not licensed by CA ADP despite the Association for Better Living
and Education (ABLE) press release about this place ( one of 5 or so 'facilities' operated in Single Room Occupancy Hotels in the City of San Francisco.)
Over at the Suppressive Person Defense League I found a story about this scam from scientology's front group coordinator called ABLE:
"The center has also been granted their license as a drug and alcohol recovery center by the California State Department of Drug and Alcohol. It now operates at an average of 50 students on the program at a time, and the center is still expanding — now having control of over 200 beds throughout 4 hotels in the area."
Here is their current website:
Director and scientologist Richard Prescott owns http://SOMANEWLIFECENTER.Org
This is CLEARLY a Scientology program, incorporating the NarCONon drug rehab with the Criminon ' LIfe Skills.
Not surprisingly, neither San Francisco New Life Center, SOCIAL BETTERMENT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY or SBDC New Life are licensed by the California Alcohol and Drug Program, despite promoting that they are via the Facility locator at the federal governemnt site SAMHSA
Global Locator - ABLE International
San Francisco New Life Center...E-mail: Criminon
Global Locator - Criminon Groups Around the World
...San Francisco New Life
Richard Prescott is the main culprit in running this large scale detox program without a license. He also reported falsely to the federal facility locator site that it was licensed by ADP. He's currently being sued along with SBDC and related parties. May Cody Bates rest in peace.
Social Betterment Development Company ( legal name). Clear Mind Services, SOMA New Life, SBDC New Life Center, and New Life Center of San Francisco
Social Betterment Development Company
Contracts to SOCIAL BETTERMENT DEVELOPMENT Veterans Administration
(FY 2000-2007) ( contains all identifiers)
Best Vendor Name Type Vendor Name
Vendor Enabled f
Vendor Location Disable Flag f
Vendor Address Line 1 290 7TH ST
Vendor Address City SAN FRANCISCO
Vendor Address State CA: California
Vendor Zip Code 941034003
SBDC New Life Center registered with SAMHSA:
Facility No. Name Address Phone Distance Maps
1 SBDC New Life Center
1080 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 255-7434 0.00 miles Map It!
Primary Focus: Substance abuse treatment services
Services Provided: Substance abuse treatment, Halfway house
Type of Care: Residential long-term treatment (more than 30 days)
Forms of Payment Accepted: Self payment, Private health insurance
Intakes: (877) 300-7044x1 (415) 255-7434x1
Clear Mind Services
San Francisco New Life Center
( ABLE shows email site which is not up but is registered:
San Francisco New Life Center
1082 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94103 USA
Phone: (415) 255 - 7434
Fax: 415) 255 - 7415
You can see where the email address name is linked here
Google Search Results 1 - 10 of about 1,040 for "San Francisco New Life Center".
290 7th St seems to be an administrative address for Richard Prescott, who runs all this. That address is used only as that, not a location for services on all legal papers personally and related to New Life legal entities. It is a single family home.
There are over 5 locations where services are promoted or have phone numbers:
1080 Folsom St San Francisco, CA 94103
Clear Mind Services
1082 Folsom St San Francisco, CA 94103
Clear Mind Services, John Spaw, Dir New Life, Richard Prescott, M & S Management, SOMA Cafe
Clear Mind Services
180 Lexington st San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 255-7434
221 7th St San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 558-1513
New Life Center 221 7th St San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 558-1513
New Life Center 221 7th Ave Apt 4 San Francisco, CA 94118 (415) 558-1513
formerly Gina's Hotel 221 7th St San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 558-1513
34 Sixth St, Apt 501 San Francisco, CA 94103-1662
Whitepages Result matching "(415) 558-1513"
Seneca Hotel:
New Life Center work
34 Sixth St, Apt 501
San Francisco, CA 94103-1662
(415) 558-1513 Type: Land Line
Provider: Pacific Bell
Location: San Francisco, CA
Whitepages Matching Results for (415) 255-7434
Shut the hell up. I wish you would do a blog on drug dealers killing innocent people. Dumbass. No blogs on the drug cartel getting millions hooked on drugs. No blogs on pharma deliberately mislabelling drugs and getting thousands hooked. Get a life bub.
How many people have you gotten off drugs? You critical ass, kiss off.
hey anonymous, wake up and see the con game you have been a part of, email me. Of course, if you are one of the people making money off the Narconon Criminon scam, I know I won't hear from you.
formerlyfooled at
I have been out of touch with my dear friend Cody Bates for over 10 years. It came as quite a shock to me to find out that he took his own life. I hope that he has finally found peace, and am sorry he was not able to here on Earth. You will always be in my heart Cody.
<3 Lisa Rodi
Dear Lisa,
I'm so sorry you found out this way :( My condolences to you, Cody's friend.
I appreciate your comment very much. The love and care you have for Cody in your heartfelt message put a human touch to this sad and unnecessary circumstance.
I will pass your comment on to his mother.
~ Mary McConnell
Dear Indmyshrk aka Lisa Rodi,
Cody's mom said to say "Thank you" and asked if you were the girl who he went to the prom with. Let me know if you happen to read this :)
I knew Cody from Cocopah Middle School and Chaparral High School. By the time prom came around for us, we were in two totally different high schools, so no I was not her. We still occationally hung out, but after high school we drifted apart.
Thank you for passing the messages back and forth.
Hi Mary, I was wondering I you knew where Cody was buried. He's on my mind a lot and I would like to go visit him if that's possible.
Hi Lisa, Sorry I didn't see your message until tonight. Thanks for writing again. I'm sure that I would want visit if I were an old friend like you are. However, I have no idea where he is buried. The online obituary for Cody doesn't state one either. He may have had a private services and burial or was cremated.
I have not spoken to his mother (name is in obit) since last time you wrote. Why not write her directly at her business address and ask. The address is 8233 Via Paseo Del Norte Suite E 300, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 I'm sure she would be willing to tell you. Mention the previous time I contacted her for you and I suggested you write.
Upon an internet search, I found that an apparent critic of Scientology and Narconon posted a listing for Cody at Find-A-Grave but there is no mention of where he is buried. One can post condolences there as well.
Best wishes to you, dear. ~ Mary
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