Canoe – Infos – Québec-Canada: Une incursion dans un univers méconnu
Canoe - Infos - Québec-Canada: A journey into an unknown universe
Infiltrate the Church of Scientology
A journey into a world unknown
Agency QMI
26/02/2011 3:03 p.m.
French to English translation
MONTREAL - Two employees of the show I volunteered to infiltrate the Church of Scientology of Montreal. One of them described his experience: religious cults always intrigued me. When the team I decided to do a report on the Church of Scientology to infiltrate the idea with a hidden camera I immediately liked. In fact, this mission was tailor made for me. That's how we entered, my colleague and me in the universe Scientologist.
What struck us most when visiting the establishment of Papineau in Montreal for the first time, human warmth. It was immediately welcomed with open arms and good humor is contagious Scientologists. But the mood is anything but free.
Within minutes you can be caught in what looks like a vast infomercial. Introductory video, personality test, courses for personal growth, books, all in a single goal: making money. Because from my perspective, that's the philosophy of the Church of Scientology get your money by promising a better life.
We chose a course for beginners, "Success Through Communication." This course allows us to introduce ourselves in the academy's classroom at the church and shoot other students without their knowledge.
They too are going about their exercises like touching objects represent various events with the clay or listen to the words of L. Ron Hubbard's audio conference. After a series of exercises which I think is useless as far-fetched, we are new graduates of the course and members of the church for six months! Course Cost: $ 65
We decided then to go further and we subscribe to the Dianetics Seminar, a weekend intensive learning of the hearing. A technique in which we relive the difficult moments of our lives and feel painful emotions.
A grueling 24-hour exercise, sitting on a chair right under the constant supervision of our supervisors. A session that we shoot with the camera hidden. We are particularly affected by a girl of ten years telling stories, crying and looks thrown into this world in spite of herself. Training cost: $ 125
We then attended a fundraiser for the church, which was to finance the renovation of their new center, the old building of "Homeland" in downtown Montreal. An "event" language of Scientology, where patriotic speeches and salutes founder alongside calls for donations.
The atmosphere is overheated and the MC manages to squeeze $ 17 000 of the fifty members present, some with their children. We are asked to give $ 1,000, no less! As new members, we are the center of attention.
Shoot pictures without us getting caught is perilous. During the evening, we strongly encourage two people to the next level, the course of purification. This is a crucial step for a Scientologist, which in addition to the cleanse, relieve the $ 1500.
The nebula is expanding its Scientology influence in Quebec
MONTREAL - The administration system developed by L. Ron Hubbard called WISE, World Institute of Scientology Enterprises. And the leading expert on Scientology in Canada, Dr. Stephen A. Kent, University of Alberta, Scientology and WISE are one. WISE is also his opinion that part of the nebula Scientologist. WISE (business) Narconon (the fight against drug abuse), Criminon (fight against crime), the Citizens Commission for Human Rights (antipsychiatry) Applied Scholastics (education), all these organizations defend and promoting ideas of the movement, while claiming to be independent of the Church. "These programs, said Professor Kent and WISE is a good example, represent a way for Scientology to enter his so-called technology in the business community. The goal is to raise the ways and ideas of Scientology. Moral issues and how to handle criticism will follow. "Should we review the status of Scientology in Canada? The Church of Scientology enjoys tax exemption status with the municipal corporation that grants him the religious Quebec. Canada recognizes him as a non-profit organization. Moreover, Narconon, which treats addicts with the methods of Hubbard, has the status of charitable organization. Donations thus become partially tax deductible. The Church of Scientology has refused interview requests from JE. In an email, a spokesman said his movement meets the criteria and that "the decision by the Quebec government in 1993 to recognize Scientology as a religion is not a matter of controversy." At least one politician does not agree. Senator Celine Hervieux-Payette wonders how a movement already convicted of organized fraud in France and for breach of confidence in Ontario in 1992 was a year later, get the status of religious corporation in Quebec. "In Ontario, they did a thorough investigation to discover that they had infiltrated various departments and the RCMP. "The senator said he was" appalled "to see an organization like the Church of Scientology has such a treatment.