Monday, December 30, 2019

It's been some time since I've posted new content.

I appreciate those who have stopped by to read my content over the years. Besides being a critic of Scientology, helping victims of their front group called Narconon, I was very busy helping out at 2 wonderful websites.  Please take a few moments to read about them.  

Narconon Reviews

This first site makes it possible to better help educate the public, the media and legal communities on the Scientology based Narconon Program, as well as unbranded Narconons, or Narconon clones which go by other names.

There, consumers, journalists, attorneys and educators will find independent and factual information about the Narconon Program.

One can read any of many pages of documentation uploaded to the site. You'll find documented Formal Complaints, Formal Reports, Inspection Reports, Lawsuits and Public Safety records, as well as Informal Complaints, Informal Reports, Narconon Surveys.

One can also find information on how to choose at substance abuse or alcohol rehab program, as well as how to verify if they are licensed or not. There is also information for those seeking help after a loved one or friend is already in the program, as well as for those who have done the program or worked for Narconon.

Please visit:

Reaching For The Tipping Point Forum

Reaching For the Tipping Point is there for the curious, the consumer, for former patients ( aka students) and for former staff members, to talk about everything related to Scientology, especially Scientology front groups, like Narconon.

The aim is to provide a forum that is friendly, helpful, and enjoyable to visit.  Please get involved and post. This forum is intended to be all inclusive.

Please visit & join in:

That's it for now.  Happy New Year!

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