On tonite's Inside Edition show, Jenna Miscavige Hill - Victim of Tax Exempt Child Neglect, Emotional Abuse
It was very good. Short but effective. She earned the 'Medal of Valor' award from the critics, for sure!
We hear former child victim of Scientology's Sea Org Gualg for kids, Jenna Miscavige Hill, talk seeing her parents 1x a year, about being holed up with the children of other scientology elite in a compound that segregated them from their parents, attending school 1 day a week when she was 12, and then stopping that education all together at age 16. Her whole life in that mess.
Jenna left 4 years later but at the time she stayed because Scientology was all she knew. She really didn't know her parents. They fought to see her. She finally got a few more days a year to see them, her calls screened. Interrogated after each visit to make sure there were no doubts or contrary thoughts about scientology.
I hope she has reconciled with her parents, who were victims, too.
KuDos and ((HUGGS)) to Jenna and family from me and my family.
Read about other victims
Scientology victims -- online
Mary McConnell
formerlyfooled at yahoo dot com