Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Tax Liens: First Narconon, now Church of Scientology.

Narconon is not the only Scientology organization not paying it's payroll taxes:

New York State Department of State

State Tax Warrant Notice System

Taxpayer Names

Please note that this record report has been generated by an independent searcher, using the Department of State's, State Tax Warrant Notice On-Line Database. The information contained in this report is NOT an official record of the Department of State.

Taxpayer Name(s) Selected:

City specified in warrant address record of Taxpayer Searched:

County in which warrant is filed of Taxpayer Searched:


Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Your name selection(s) hasreturned 1 State Tax Lien Notice histories.

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Warrant ID# : E-004963899-W006-7

Name of Taxpayer as appears on warrant

Address of Taxpayer as appears on warrant


227 W 46 ST
NEW YORK, NY 10036-1409

Date Warrant docketed by county clerk

County where Warrant is docketed

Tax Liability amount as appears on Warrant

Date notice of tax warrant, amendment, vacation or satisfaction was filed by the Department of Taxation and Finance with the Department of State.

Date Warrant satisfaction docketed by county clerk

Date Warrant Vacate Notice docketed by county clerk

Date Warrant amendment docketed by county clerk

June 18, 2008



June 19, 2008

* Filed with Department ofState on or prior to implementation of electronic filing system,January 8, 2004. Dates for filings made prior to January 8, 2004 mustbe derived from paper filings and should be obtained from theDepartment of Taxation and Finance

I bet there's more where this came from.