Saturday, May 02, 2009

Scientology's Criminal Practices

I came across ThetanBait's YouTube Channel the other day and found these amazingly accurate and professional videos I'd come across last year but lost the link to.
Easily in the top 10 damaging expose videos series on the internet. Note in the first clip, famous pianist Mario Feninger admitting he knew nothing about the abuses until the reporter told him. That was years ago and Feninger is still a scientologist, blindly ignoring what his cult is doing today. Shame on him!

Scientology's Crimes : Series of public service announcements and news clips detailing Scientology's criminal practices.

This is why thousands of people around the world protest Scientology.
For more information, visit:

Message Boards & Groups Why We Protest ( formerly ) ExScientology Kids of all ages ARS For Ex Sea Org Members XSO Operation Clambake Lermanet Operation Clambake XENU.NET Moderated ExScientologist Message Board Message Boards for Many different Cults VICTIMS of NARCONON Message Board

Stop Scientology Abuses | You Found The Card
Marc Headley (BFG) and Jason Beghe have launched a website
Leaving Scientology Resource Guide
Chef John From the Horse's Mouth
Just Bill's Ask The Scientologist
NY Anonymous


Anonymous said...

That footage is a great find. Thanks.

Formerly Fooled said...

You're welcome,and I agree. I suspect there are many more gems out on the internet from the early days of the protests which are deserving of more attention. I'll post them as I find them. :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Formerly Fooled:

Maybe you can clear up something for others and myself. Is the following a front group for Scientology?

“Alternative to Meds Center” has another name “clear mind services”

Two addresses, two names, one phone number?

This may interest you:


Formerly Fooled said...

This is a belated reply to the anon who wrote :
Dear Formerly Fooled:

Maybe you can clear up something for others and myself. Is the following a front group for Scientology?

“Alternative to Meds Center” has another name “clear mind services”

Two addresses, two names, one phone number?

This may interest you:

FYI, the owner deleted the blog but I recall something about a drive for donations to help a mentally ill woman attend ATMC.
Yes, Alternative To Meds Center is a Scientology front group, in that it uses 2 key programs used in Scientology front groups Narconon and Criminon, both licensed through Scientology's secular arm, Association For Better Living and Education, Inc. ( ABLE, Inc )

ATMC uses the sauna detox program and the Life Skills texts and classes of the Narconon Program aka The New Life Detox program aka the Purification Program. To do so, they pay license fees to ABLE, Int. Previous to their current location, Lyle Murphy worked alongside and with Richard Prescott and Jim Steiner ( both Scientologists) at New Life Center San Francisco aka Social Betterment Development Company aka SBDC New Life SF.
Lyle Murphy is probably NOT a scientologist by virtue of his stated past psychiatric history. He's what scientology calls " an Illegal PC " a victim of the "evil psychs". For this reason, he's certainly a member of CCHR, scientology's anti-psych front group.

Perhaps he's making amends to Scientology by helping other people he feels are victims of psychiatry.

You can see videos showing this association here:
Jim Steiner New Life Center

ATMC videos of New Life SF patients using his orthomolecular program while at New Life SF

There are other links of information and I will be doing an update on this organization and it's scientology connection very soon. Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Thank you:

Your information was quite eye opening:

The fund raising that was going on to send this dying person to this center was at

They were really talking this place up and have a personal relationship with Lyle Murphy. They coined this place as life saving and a last hope for someone that's dieing center.

But the money appears to have gone into a personal account and on the surface seems awful dubious.

You would have to go through the archives there to get the complete picture of how strange this all was and is.

Thank you once again for the information

Formerly Fooled said...

Dear Anonymous, Glad to be of help. And thank you for the update and link!

~ Mary McConnell

Anonymous said...

Don't send anyone you love here!! It is a Scientology front and dangerous