Saturday, March 15, 2008

Why Anonymous Protests against Scientology

Masked Protesters Target Church of Scientology; Excellent Video
Last Edited: Friday, 14 Mar 2008, 9:01 PM CDT
MyFox Kansas City

Foxnews in Kansas City provides excellent coverage of the situation between CoS and Anonymous and includes an important interview with Bernard Headley, whose now ex-wife joined the cult and put his kids to work in the church gulags, which made it near impossible for him to have any contact with them; Bernie talks about how he helped one* of his kids escape Scientology and how he has never given up and is still searching for his daughter Stephanie. Bernie's a real hero in my book!

Thanks to whoever did this show at Fox KC

* Marc Headley, who recently spoke up about how the Church of Scientology held fake auditions for the benefit of helping Tom Cruise find himself a wife. Katie Holmes was the winner in that contest.

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