It's been an overall very bad week for scientology.
Now comes an unearthing and posting on the internet of a rare tape 1952 audio tape with L Ron Hubbard and his wife, Mary Sue aka "Sue"! Wonders will never cease!!
What is remarkable about the tape is that gives the earliest history known to date on Hubbard's invented space cooties - aka space aliens or entities- * which Hubbard says came to earth by orders of the famous intergalactic ruler Xenu and eventually came to inhabit the bodies of you and me and the rest of the world.
Most importantly, this is a must read must hear for anyone wanting to know more about those space entities from the South Park show on Scientology, Trapped in The Closet, the ones that are the sole cause of all the problems in the universe, lol. If that's not enough,there's more. From it we learn about Hubbard's fantasy on the origins of the material universe and of psychiatry, so don't pass it up.
Anyaty, mucho thanks to RapidFx for posting this transcription of the 56 min audio tape Electropsychometric Scouting - Battle of the Universes, the audio of which be downloaded via MegaUpload
battle of universes
* Here is a short but excellent news report from Australia's Today Tonight News Show Exposes Scientology Cult's Xenu Story Broadcast February 4, 2009
Xenu and Scientology - Today Tonight: