Friday, May 30, 2008

French M6 TV channel documentary about Scientology

Video in 4 parts. TV show aired on M6 66 Minutes - L´Enquête - May 6th, 2008 and added to YouTube May 25, 2008 by anonmuc, assisted by French anons.

This is a damning documentary.

M6 - Scientology France Investigation - ENGLISH (Part 1)

M6 - Scientology France Investigation - ENGLISH (Part 2)

M6 - Scientology France Investigation - ENGLISH (Part 3)

M6 - Scientology France Investigation - ENGLISH (Part 4)

Official M.6 / 66 Minutes Website

English Transcript Un article de AnonymousLive from wiki-anonymous-live
M6 - 66 Minutes, the investigation - should the Scientology be rehabilitated?

Kudos to M6 66 Minutes in France, Parliamentarian Olav Gunnar Ballo - father of victim Kaja Ballo, Roger Gonnet, Pierre Wetzel, Alain Stoffel, Martine Boublil and Commissaire Gabriele Gianini of the Italian police for your courage and help and for being a part of this excellent expose'

Category: News & Politics

Tags: Scientology Sect cult France French M6 TV Investigation, Kaja Ballo, Parliamentarian Olav Gunnar Ballo, RPF Psychiatry Scientologist Scientologie Suicide Fairgame Brainwashing English Subtitled Tom Cruise John Travolta Nicolas Sarkozy Emmanuelle Mignon Roger Gonnet Pierre Wetzel Alain Stoffel Sardinia Italy Martine Boublil Commissaire Gabriele Gianini Claude Boublil sequestration MUZZLED DESTIMULATION PROGRAM Introspection Rundown Lisa McPherson

Friday, May 16, 2008

STERN: Scientology infiltrated by german journalist

There is nothing more convincing than the truth.

Stern: Scientology Infiltrated by German Journalist Freddie Garis( English Version)

Scientology Infiltrated English version from The Hunter on Vimeo.

I got chills watching this because what you see is how scientology really operates!
For more information on the mental manipulation techniques of Scientology, visit Arnie Lerma's Lermanet and read Rape Of The Mind by Joost Meerloo

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Current events: Exposing Scientology

This is a roundup of some current and recent events and informative and important news on the exposing of scientology's hate for it's critics. So much has happened that I will have to post what I can now and update it tomorrow.

I just finished watching a brilliant and factual latest video to hit YouTube exposing the church of scientology
Scientology Exposed PSA: Hyprocrisy

Dawn Olson's has a story about it:
Modern Day Slavery Within The Church Of Scientology

James Packer quits church: SkyNews reports that the richest man in Scientology quits the cult.

Operation Stop Fair Game : On May 10th, thousands of Anonymous and not so anonymous critics of scientology, like Ex-CIA Operative Boris Korczak and Jason Beghe joined in with the old guard and new former members of scientology to protest Scientology's Fair Game policy and tactics. Hugh success!

On April 30th, media source Radar Online started what is now a series of reports about asbestos on the scientology cruise ship Freewinds:

Cancer on the Lido Deck: Scientology Cruise Ship Rife with Asbestos?

May 1: Cancer on the Lido Deck? Scientology Responds

May 6: Cancer on the Lido Deck: Clean Team Enters Scientology's SS Asbestos

Dawn at Glosslip followed up on May 7
Tom Cruise, Lisa Marie Presley Among Celebs Exposed To Cancer-Causing Asbestos From Negligent Church Of Scientology writes about the church ship and the way asbestos can take up to 30 years to show up but when it does, it's a deadly stuation in most cases.
Asbestos Mesothelioma: From the Shop Floor to Hollywood

Will update mor tomorrow......

Mary McConnell