3 French members of Scientology were arrested yesterday in Italy for kidnapping and holding hostage a woman, who was found in a condition similar to the one the Late
Lisa McPherson was in just before she died in 1995.
Jeff Jacobson posted today over at alt.religion.scientology usenet group:
On December 5, 1995, Lisa McPherson was dead on arrival at a hospital 45 minutes north of Clearwater Florida. According to the coroner's report, Lisa was underweight, severely dehydrated, and had bruises and bug bites (see the entire report here).
Lisa's last address was listed by the police as 210 S. Ft. Harrison in Clearwater Florida, which is the Fort Harrison Hotel, a Scientology property. Lisa had been a Scientologist from the age of 18 to her death at age 36.
Lisa was put on the Introspection Rundown that Scientology uses to handle those who have had a psychotic break.
On November 18, 1995, Lisa was involved in a minor car accident. She was apparently not hurt, but she got out of her car and took all her clothes off and seemed mentally unstable. She was taken to a hospital where she was physically evaluated as being unharmed, but the hospital wanted her to be psychologically cared for. However, some Scientologists arrived and stated that Lisa did not believe in psychiatry, and she checked out after a short evaluation and left with the Scientologists. She went with them to Room 174 of the Ft. Harrison Hotel for "rest and relaxation" according to the church, but church logs from Lisa's stay there from November 18 to her death December 5 show differently. Some logs are missing, and a high ranking ex-Scientologist has written an affidavit in which he claims that the church has in the past destroyed documents that might get the church in trouble.
The family of Lisa McPherson sued Scientology and individuals involved for wrongful death, while Scientology claimed it did nothing wrong toward Lisa While settlement talks were completed after being forced by the court, (Civil Case settled 5/28/04) the case appears to still be active. Scientology had a web page (removed or moved) that smeared Lisa's aunt and attorney. "
Now we have another victim in the news. I cannot let this important story slide by. In 1984 I lost a dear friend, Dale Bogen, who underwent this kind of treatment and she was found dead, a supposid suicide. People were afraid to speak up. Then Lisa died and what happened after that was a war with Scientology that is emblazioned in the minds of so many people who try to keep Lisa's memory alive.
Lisa and Dale are not alone. The victim in this recent situation was saved only due to her ingenuity in leaving notes outside where she was staying, so that someone would call police.
What most likely happened to latest victim is that she became irratic or psychotic during scientology 'auditing' and was put on a program called the Introspection Rundown, same as Lisa and Dale. Part of this program is a thing called muzzled destimulation, as described
It is degrading, inhumane and illegal in many countries to not help a person get proper medical care. Lisa and Dale died and this woman escaped. There is a very important story to be told here. This is the dark side of scientology.
Look here at what happened to
Lisa McPherson:
The UnFunny Truth about Scientology'State drops charges against Scientology'Blaming the medical examiner for damaging their case, prosecutors quietly end the inquiry into Lisa McPherson's death. By THOMAS C. TOBIN ©St. Petersburg Times,6/13/00 Tampabay: Doctor in Lisa McPherson case suspended____________ The latest case in Italy with links:
ilGiornale.it - Nuoro, donna segregata Tre francesi in manette - n. 3 del 21-01-2008
Nuoro - Three French citizens belonging to Scientology were arrested in Nuoro on charges that he kidnapped and held captive a fellow of Tunisian origin. Police Headquarters in the Nuoro intervened after a call to 113 had reported invocations help from the rural Mount
Ortobene on the hill overlooking the capital barbaricino. Police officers raided surprising on the ground floor and three French citizens on the upper floor of their fellow 47 years, closed in a room full of waste.
The woman was seminuda and slept on a mattress infested by insects and worms. Accompanied ambulance woman has been detained in hospital, but has made time to denounce his jailers. Police have arrested Decouduh Marie Claude, 42 years old, Rachid Hassereldith Kabbara and Julien Queyrou, both 18 years all on charges of abduction. The three, after the findings of rite, were locked up in the home district of Badu 'and Carros available to the judiciary.
ilGiornale.it - Nuoro, donna segregata Tre francesi in manette - n. 3 del 21-01-2008
Nuoro - Three French citizens belonging to Scientology were arrested in Nuoro on charges that he kidnapped and held captive a fellow of Tunisian origin. Police Headquarters in the Nuoro intervened after a call to 113 had reported invocations help from the rural Mount Ortobene on the hill overlooking the capital barbaricino. Police officers raided surprising on the ground floor and three French citizens on the upper floor of their fellow 47 years, closed in a room full of waste.
The woman was seminuda and slept on a mattress infested by insects and worms. Accompanied ambulance woman has been detained in hospital, but has made time to denounce his jailers. Police have arrested Decouduh Marie Claude, 42 years old, Rachid Hassereldith Kabbara and Julien Queyrou, both 18 years all on charges of abduction. The three, after the findings of rite, were locked up in the home district of Badu 'and Carros available to the judiciary.
ilGiornale.it - Nuoro, donna segregata Tre francesi in manette - n. 3
del 21-01-2008
Nuoro - Tre cittadini francesi appartenenti a Scientology sono stati arrestati a Nuoro con l'accusa di aver sequestrato e tenuto prigioniera una connazionale di origini tunisine. I poliziotti della Questura di Nuoro sono intervenuti dopo che una telefonata al 113 aveva segnalato invocazioni d'aiuto provenienti da un'abitazione
rurale sul Monte Ortobene, l'altura che domina il capoluogo barbaricino. Gli agenti hanno fatto irruzione sorprendendo al piano terra tre cittadini francesi ed al piano superiore una loro connazionale di 47 anni, chiusa in una stanza piena di rifiuti.
La donna era seminuda e dormiva su un materasso infestato da insetti e vermi. Accompagnata in ambulanza la donna è stata ricoverata in osservazione, ma ha fatto a tempo a denunciare i suoi aguzzini. I poliziotti hanno arrestato Marie Claude Decouduh, di 42 anni, Rachid Hassereldith Kabbara e Julien Queyrou, entrambi di 18 anni tutti con l'accusa di sequestro di persona. I tre, dopo gli accertamenti di
rito, sono stati rinchiusi nella casa circondariale di Badu 'e Carros a disposizione della magistratura.
More story links: