"Urgently need someone experienced in muzzled destim program"???
What is this Scientology MUZZLED DESTIM PROGRAM ?
Well, it may possibly be a part of the infamous Introspection Rundown.
You see, Scientology not only tries hard to silence it's critics, it has a history of driving to suicide or killing it's members who become mentally unstable. So what is a cult to do? Create the Muzzled Destimulation Program" as a preliminary step to the of the original Interspection Rundown? It makes sense since they were sued for the use of the original in the sad and preventable death of McPherson.
Scientology kills particularly when the tactics used violate basic human rights to life and prevent proper medical help.
In this way, it killed Lisa McPherson, Dale Bogen and so many others.
I don't make this stuff up. The evidence is out there. Been going on for years. Google "scientology kills" or the above names names and see for yourself.
As a result of the criminal investigation of the church related to Lisa McPherson's death, the Church of Scientology created a binding contract with members and it is one of the stipulations within the contract that one can be held against their own will pay for and receive the cult's service called the Introspection Rundown:
Scientology's barbaric treatment of members in lieu of some proper medical attention - the kind scientology rejects.
Here's a quote from a stellar article about this 'contract'as published in Razor Magazine "Church's Lethal Contract written By Dr. David S. Touretzky and Peter Alexander:
"Imagine a church so dangerous, you must sign a release form before you can receive its "spiritual assistance." This assistance might involve holding you against your will for an indefinite period, isolating you from friends and family, and denying you access to appropriate medical care. You will of course be billed for this treatment - assuming you survive it. If not, the release form absolves your caretakers of all responsibility for your suffering and death. Welcome to the Church of Scientology."
Well, the contract in question is apparently in active use by the cult. Take a look at the most condemning piece of evidence for it, an advertisement for a job opening over at the Razzline, a Scientologist run cyberspace place for scientologists (SCN's) only to post news, ads and such. The ad is asking for help to muzzle a troubled 21 year old. Because it concerns an unnamed young man in distress, I ask that you say a prayer that the proposed action against him is prevented. Here's the ad:
USA - Urgently need someone experienced in muzzled destim program
Published July 26th, 2007 in CLASSIFIED and JOB OPPORTUNITY.
From: Dan Dempster
USA - Urgently need someone experienced in muzzled destim program
I’m urgently looking for someone who is experienced to do a muzzled destimulation program with a 21-year-old male. May take a number of weeks. Large male preferred. $800 per week plus all expenses.
Beautiful location on a 25-acre waterfront property on a large lake.
Call me right away.
Dan xxx.xxx.xxxx
One becomes a member of this RAZZLINE by following the rules in the Membership section. Here are some but not all of the rules:
"How to Sponsor a friend: To sponsor someone you need to inform me of the following things: - That you know the person you’re sponsoring personally - as in you’ve met them face-to-face.- You know them to be a SCN in good standing."
So it is clear that a scientologist named Dan Dempster is looking to provide this terrible violation of essential freedom right to a young man in distress in Los Angeles, CA as I write this. How many others have survived (or not survived) it?
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Just Give 'em Access to All the Facts & They Can Figure it Out Themselves
Just Give 'em access to all the facts & They Can Figure it Out Themselves!
First, The amazing FAIR Law Suit Tape:
First, The amazing FAIR Law Suit Tape:
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