Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Scientology - The Great Sci-Fi Scam!
Audio Sermon by Rev. Ian Brown
Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Brief Sermon Overview from Rev. Brown's web site:
The apostles give us clear warning against turning our back on the truth of the Word of God and following after fables.
(1 Timothy 1:4; 2 Timothy 4:4; Titus 1:14)
They also assure us that, in delivering the Word of God to us, they did not delve
into the realm of fantasy or fiction (2 Peter 1:16).
One of the most outrageous fables of this modern times is the teaching of Scientology.
In this message, both the:
of this unscriptural cult are examined.
In an age when Hollywood stars such as Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley and Lisa Marie Presley champion the cause of Scientology before the minds of our young people, God's people need to be equipped with facts that expose it.
Scientology – The Great Sci-Fi Scam! Rev Ian Brown • Major Deceptions Of Our Day • 24 min 1 Timothy 1:4; 2 Timothy 4:4; 2 Peter 1:16
Play Audio! (Streaming) · 24 minutes
Download MP3 (2.9MB) •
Rev. Ian Brown
Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Lisnagelvin Road
Londonderry, Northern Ireland BT47 1QX
Click to hear the infamous L.Ron Hubbard say " The is no Christ"
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."
Ephesians 5:11
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Cult Classic
Pseudoscience and Psychedelics in the Church of Scientology
Ian Murphy
"I'm going to invent a religion that's going to make me a fortune. I'm tired of writing for a penny a word."
- L. Ron Hubbard
"If you leave this room after seeing this film, and walk out and never mention Scientology again, you are perfectly free to do so. It would be stupid, but you can do it. You can also dive off a bridge, or blow your brains out; that is your choice.”
- From the Scientology recruitment film Orientation.
“Hulk want PARTY!!!”
- The Incredible Hulk, upon being denied entrance to the Scientology Halloween party.
“Hey! Do you want to watch a free movie?” a spry older woman shouted at my back, pouncing onto the sidewalk at the corner of Virginia and Main. For some time at The BEAST, we’d been toying with the idea of infiltrating The Church of Scientology. Recognizing an opportunity, I turned, cordially introduced myself as “Robert Stevens,” and told the woman that a free movie would be “awesome.” Smiling broadly, she said her name was Zonnie. I could feel the power of Scientology oozing from her chapped face. I would come to like Zonnie, an ex-choreographer from the west coast who curses abundantly when riled. After some small talk, I was led through an ornate, vaulted lobby to an intimate twenty-seat projection-screen theater. Zonnie pushed a few buttons on a wall console and said she’d be back in about half an hour, leaving me alone in blackness. For a moment, panic washed over me as I imagined the room filling with poison gas. Then the movie started"...................
Thank you Ian and staff at Beast of Buffalo!
This is one informative and humorous investigative piece on scientology!
I don't think anyone has ever gotten a staff member to admit this statement to a non scientologist, much less a journalist albeit under cover:
"After some prodding, she (Zonnie) explained that the negative press concerning Scientology was the work of “anti-social” personalities, and that ex-Scientologists rarely speak out because the church “knows all their secrets.”
Well, we'll see about that now, Zonnie...
FYI, Zonnie is Zonnie Bauer and here is her personal home page created for her by Scientology! Can you imagine that,?? lol!! Here it is:
~ FormerlyFooled ~
Thanks, again, to:
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Scientology: The Wallet, The FMS and the Registrar
From: Formerlyfooled -
Thurs, Nov 2 2006 1:21 am
Google Group: alt.religion.scientology
I read a post here concerning recent con artist type of 'hard sell regging' and the overwhelming debt Scientologists are finding themselves into and I was surprised. It's not that I hard a hard time envisioning such a situation, but that these kinds of tactics were still going on!
How many years does it take before it's clearly evident to a Scientologist that there was never a concerted effort to correct this insanity? This practice has been going on since before and after Int Management came on the scene to supposedly correct the injustices and squirrelling of Hubbard's adminstrative policy.
How is it that members are pushed so hard into second guessing their better judgement & going into the very degree of debt one mever ever planned on getting into? And why hasn't this coersion situation not been corrected?
How is it that one has to fight or succumb everytime there is something to be sold by the church. There is no other equally sized organization in the world that practices this kind of intimidation. There is something so wrong with this whole picture.
Now, it's bad enough when members of Scientology are hard pressured to go into severe debt to 'help' clear the planet, but it doesn't stop at the people who give and then go back out to bust their butt, like a machine even, to try and keep up with the increased debt payments.
Whether you can actually afford the services the Church of Scientology registrars and Flag FSMs push is apparently of no concern to them and obviously something normal scientologists find difficult to take.
However, the fraud that Scientology perpetrated against Raul Lopez, a mentally incapacitated traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor was, clearly, just 'more of the same and then some'. Read this court document. This is just the tip of the iceburg on how far many registrars & FSMs will go when that old 'purpose is senior to policy' button is pushed.
Scientology Swindles Raul Lopez-- And The World
You can call it whatever you want, but where I come from it's called complicit fraud. It's been going on for many years now and it's obviously not going to stop. That's pathetic.
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."
Ephesians 5:11
Help for Scientologists
From: zeeorger
Thurs, Nov 2 2006 3:22 am
Groups: alt.religion.scientology
I don't mean to be cold hearted, but every once in a while scientology's "hard sell" abuse is used without first putting you and others into a proper "winning" trance like state ...
I forget the exact LRH quote, but to paraphrase it, it went something like "keep the PC winning ..." LRH understood that to keep the con game going it was important to keep the PC (the mark) in a semi-perpetual state of confusion.
Once that is acomplished, you can then use various means of internal persuasion (ethics, justice, RPF, declares) and external persuasion (GO/OSA) to keep the whole operation from being exposed/discovered.
Since the begining LRH tried to put off discovery of the following truths:
- The tech does not work.
- People find out it does not work.
- People tell other people what they found out.
- People know it is a scam/fraud.
It is the reverse of the "simple story of scientology" ...
The thing to keep in mind is that over 99% of those who have tried scientology are no longer supporting scientology.
Over 10 Million have tried, but less than 100,000 scientologists remain as active happy clams.
Thurs, Nov 2 2006 5:13 am
Groups: alt.religion.scientology
Hey Z!
I can understand the basic idea behind the scam, but what I don't get is how Co$ can convince the "PC" that he's "winning"??? What he hell IS a "win", anyway? What are they winning? (Other than a one way trip to the poor-house by way of a grotty little place called: The Crazy Ramblings of "Mo Ron" Hubbard.)
(I apologize, but I've never been a member of Co$, and never want to be, so I'm not completely familiar with all the terms as Co$ uses them.)
From: Eldon
Thurs, Nov 2 2006 5:28 am
Groups: alt.religion.scientology
re wrote: > zeeorger
The "winning" aspect of Scientology or any cult is to use some form of valid trance-inducing "therapy" at the beginning, unethically laced with a sales pitch and guilt trip.
The whole experience is designed to put people into an "enlightened" temporary state of euphoria. It's a feel-good state and also one in which people are easily indoctrinated.
This little online video satire depicts the process quite well.
From: John
Thurs, Nov 2 2006 5:45 pm
Groups: alt.religion.scientology
The "wins" generally boil down to being processed into a state of euphoria, feeling great for a day or two, then coming down and needing to start again. Then are also officially published wins. These are the 'tales of the OTs' which tend to be just kinda sad.
For most members, the regular win they get is "I feel good". This feeling is always ephemeral, and requires topping up with more processing.
From: Zinj
Thurs, Nov 2 2006 6:12 pm
Groups: alt.religion.scientology
A 'Win' is supposed to be a 'realization or recovered ability' (according to Scientology we all already have all abilities, which are being 'suppressed'; so, speaking swahili a'la glossolalia *already* exists, but is being suppressed. It could also be the ability to repair the transmission on a '37 Desoto. 'Learning" is a waste of time, because you already *have* all these abilities, but, they're being 'suppressed'.)
Every Scientology course or process requires a 'Win' and 'VGI' or, Very Good Indicators, meaning the chump says he's *happy* with the 'process/course/'treatment'.
If he *doesn't* have a win or 'VGI' the process must *continue* until he does. At his own cost.
It's a rare clam who's unwilling to admit to or manufacture a 'cog' or 'recovered ability' when faced with the prospect of Scientology ad infinitum. And, since the 'Tech' is always effective, *eventually* he'll find one.
Kind of like a dentist who charges $120/hr and guarantees 'success', then proceeds to drill holes willy-nilly until the 'patient' admits to feeling better.
The rare clam who actually *demands* a return on his investment and denies having had a 'cog' or a 'recovered ability' out of some misguided stubborness, and, despite the cash hemhorage will eventually be discovered to be a 'No Case Gain' suppressive and tossed out. Since, after all, the 'Tech' always works, so, it must have been his fault.
Naturally, there's a lot of pressure to come up with a 'Win', so, everybody does, although, many ex-Scientologists are willing to admit to 'faking wins' just to make the pressure stop and stop the running 'meter'.
And, human nature being what it is; most people who 'fake wins' actually and eventually come to believe their own faked wins. It's easier than admitting that you faked it. And, naturally, the 'Church' pounces on those willing to admit to having 'faked wins' with a glorious Hubbardian 'Aha!' Because, that's why Scientology didn't 'work' for them. Scientology *always* works :)
Polly *must* have a cracker, but, Polly must bake it herself.
Zinj -- You Can Lead a Clam to Reason; but You Can't Make Him Think
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Scientology: The Wallet, The FMS and the Registrar
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
"SCIENTOLOGY COUGHS UP $3.5M Slatkinbucks"
"Scientology coughs up $3.5M Slatkinbucks"
From:Dave Touretzky Date: Wed, Nov 8 2006 10:15 am
Email: (Dave Touretzky)
Groups: alt.religion.scientology
"Scientology groups to pay back $3.5 million "
They agree to return 'profits' from a Ponzi scheme run by financial advisor Reed Slatkin.
By E. Scott Reckard Times Staff Writer
November 8, 2006
Groups affiliated with the Church of Scientology have agreed to pay back $3.5 million they received from former Santa Barbara money manager Reed Slatkin and others who invested with him.
The settlement, approved Tuesday by a federal bankruptcy judge, is part of final efforts to recover funds for the victims of Slatkin, who is serving a 14-year sentence for fraud, conspiracy and money laundering. Authorities say Slatkin led a long-running Ponzi scheme in which money from some investors was used to pay off others.
The fraud raised about $593 million in all, with investor losses estimated at about $240 million.
Slatkin, whose clients included actor Peter Coyote and television legal commentator Greta Van Susteren, paid $1.7 million in ill-gotten gains directly to Scientology organizations, bankruptcy trustee R. Todd Neilson said in court filings.
Millions of dollars more in tainted funds were funneled through other investors to Scientology-affiliated groups, including Narconon International, the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International and the Church of Scientology Western United States, the filings said.
The exact amount funneled through the investors was never determined, said Alexander Pilmer, an attorney for Neilson. Pilmer and Scientology attorney David Schindler said the $3.5-million settlement was a negotiated compromise.
Schindler said that the church had always wanted to return any fraudulently obtained funds and that the only dispute was over what amount was fair.
"The church and its hundreds of parishioners were as much victims of Slatkin as anyone else," he said.
Slatkin, who was once an ordained Scientology minister, had maintained that his actions were motivated in part by threats from other church members. In sentencing him to 14 years in federal prison, however, U.S. District Judge Margaret Morrow rejected his claim that he had acted under "duress and diminished capacity" because fellow Scientologists pressured him to continue paying them profits.
Slatkin gave some of the $593 million he collected back to investors as "profits," which is why prosecutors place investor losses at about $240 million.
By liquidating assets and suing investors who profited by receiving tainted money, Pilmer said, the bankruptcy trustee will have repaid victims 41 cents to 42 cents on the dollar ? about $100 million in all ? by the end of this year.
In addition, the bankruptcy trustee is still seeking to recover $12.1 million from a dozen defendants who came out ahead on the scam. The settlement with the Scientology groups removed a major impediment to closing the case, Pilmer said.
"We are close to the final wrap-up phase," he said.
Slatkin, who lived on a four-acre estate and spent lavishly on art, cars and airplanes, is serving his prison sentence in Taft, Calif., after pleading guilty in 2002 to fraud, conspiracy and money laundering.
Slatkin started soliciting money from fellow Scientologists in the mid-1980s. His reputation grew because of his role as a financer of Internet service provider EarthLink Inc. in 1994, when he provided $75,000 to EarthLink founder Sky Dayton.
Before long, he was taking in large sums from Internet executives, Hollywood players and socialites from across the country.
In the end, Slatkin admitted that his investment empire had been a sham since its inception in 1986, a scam he kept going for 15 years by distributing the "profits" to some investors that were really just funds from other investors ? a classic example of a Ponzi scheme.
Attorneys for the bankruptcy trustee sued or threatened to sue about 400 individuals and groups that emerged as "winners," having received more money from Slatkin than they invested.
With Tuesday's endorsement of the Scientology settlement by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Robin Riblet in Santa Barbara, about $78 million has been recovered in those so-called adversary proceedings, Pilmer said.
A separate lawsuit accusing Slatkin's former bankers of lending an air of legitimacy to his enterprise was settled two years ago. Without admitting wrongdoing, the defendants, including Union Bank of California, agreed to pay $26.5 million. Most of that settlement ? $15.5 million ? was paid to a group of the largest investors and their lawyers at Pilmer's firm, Kirkland & Ellis.
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